Microservices 👀🤩

Hello There 👋!

Today, we’re going to be talking about microservices and their use cases.

# What are actually microservices? 🤔🤔

Microservices are a way of breaking down an application into smaller separate components that can be developed independently and deployed together. This helps with scalability, maintainability, reliability and speed as each component can focus on one specific task without affecting the other components in the system.

# Why are microservices so popular?

  • Concurrent Development Made Easy
  • Simplifying Complexity
  • Enhancing Developer Focus
  • Agile Deployment and Scalability
  • Seamless Integration

It became popular because it allows teams to work on different parts of the application simultaneously while still being able to deploy them all at once when needed. They also help reduce complexity by allowing developers to focus only on what is necessary for their part of the app instead of having too many things in one place that could cause confusion or errors later down the line. Additionally, it makes it easier for developers who may not know everything about every aspect of an application but just need certain pieces from another team member or service provider quickly without needing any extra time spent understanding how those pieces fit together within a larger system architecture.

# The use cases? When do I need it?🐱‍💻

So what are some common use cases? Well there are many but here are some examples: e-commerce websites which require multiple services such as payment processing , checkout process , product catalogs etc., social media platforms where users interact with each other through various features like messaging , posts etc., streaming services like Netflix which rely heavily upon microservice architecture due its massive scale . Another example would be Internet Of Things (IoT) systems where hundreds if not thousands devices communicate with each other via APIs using microservice based architectures .

# Proper use cases!

  • Understand requirements before development to avoid wasted time trying different solutions.
  • Keep API layers thin and abstracted from business logic whenever possible.
  • Monitor performance metrics to stay aware of any issues.
  • Test early and frequently to prevent future headaches.

In conclusion I hope this blog post has been informative enough regarding basics behind why people choose go with microservice architectures along with some helpful tips getting started yourself ! Thanks again everyone reading 😁😁

Posted By: Bünyamin Öztürk · Sunday, March 3, 2024